We envision a society in which good quality data is produced and used to inform the best decisions in favor of all people in their quest for personal and collective wellbeing.
Our mission is to support governments, organizations and businesses through data-driven innovations and results-oriented research to facilitate and promote informed and evidence-based decisions that benefit people and multiply their choices.

And this is how we can help you.

National & Local Surveys
Design, Execution and data analysis of surveys using different data collection approaches.

Population & Housing Census
Design, planning and support to the execution of national populationa nd hosuing censuses.

Research & Modeling
Design and Execution of research and AI powered data analysis in different areas and from different sources.

Data Visualization
Development of tools to improve dissemination strategies through advanced visualization techniques.

Programs & Policy Tools
Development of tools and advocacy strategies to support the design, execution and evaluation of policies and programs.

Data Infrastructure & Governance
Technical and technological support to governments in the redesign of their national data systems.
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